Wednesday, July 30
WW Post 5 - Got it off
My new weight is........
So if you look back to WW 3 you will see that I was 284. But now I am even less. So up and down I go... And the hope is mostly down.
Tune in again next week at the same bat time, same bat channel...
Tuesday, July 29
Neice Nephew Weekend
Saturday morning we we had no trouble waking ANYONE up (except Meagan). I think they were a wee bit excited about heading out to the water park (NRH20). I cooked up a huge hearty breakfast. (It defitnately wasn't Weight Watcher friendly) We had scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, pancakes, orange juice and milk. I even saw one kid putting syrup on her eggs, YUCK!! But it sure made her smile!! (Awesome). We finally woke Meagan up around 0845.
Then we put the kids to work. It's amazing what good workers you have when there is incentive! Chance, Logan, and Shelby packed our chips in to individual bags (yes p's they washed their hands good before working). Makela and Lexi made PBJ Sandwiches and Turkey and Cheese sandwichs. (These were very good sandwiches). We also packed soda, water bottles, and gatorade for drinks. We loaded everything up in the truck and Meagan's car and headed out........
Arrival at NRH20. We got there about 30 minutes before they opened, and there was already a line. Luckily Meagan arrived early enough to get good spot in line. While we waited, Marsha started the sunscreen spray line. Everyone got covered, including Chance, who claimed, "Mexican's don't need sunscreen." There was much protest, but it served the nurse's heart well to know she at least protected them for one hour. They were on their own after that.

They opened the doors at 10am but told us due to "shocking" the water we couldn't swim till 11am. So we sat around just picking our noses.

But finally we got to play. And play we did. Luckily we didn't really get sunburned too bad. The kids were told to re-apply every two hours and the sunscreens were left on the table. I think they did a pretty good job. At lunch time we all had a great sandwich, and talked. Lots of laughter by the kids, then off they went. They were all smiles every time I ran into them. They ran around in groups of two for the most part. At other times they were in groups of three. Marsha and I spent much time in the kiddie area watching/helping the twins go up and down some pretty big slides. They had no fear!! They were all about the play area.

Marsha and the twins came home about mid afternoon for movie time. They both said they weren't tired... But look at this.....

They watched a movie and took a nap. Then Marsha and the twins loaded up, made a stop at the Little Ceaser's and brought us dinner of pizza. You wouldn't believe how much they ate!! After dinner we played till they closed the park. Then we got to watch some really cool fire works. It was awesome.

Sunday morning, we got up and watched a movie, got our stuff ready for the P's and had an easy breakfast of cereal. One hour later everyone was hungry again! How does that happen? Out came fruit, left over pizza, granola bars, chips, etc. They ate most of it. Incredible.

Note from Marsha: Everyone had a good time, we think. I know Tom, Meagan, and me enjoyed all the time we were able to spend with each of you who were here. We love each of you so very much! This is a time we look forward to every year! Can't wait 'til Christmas! Any votes on what to do????
Thanks guys for coming to play at our house.
Tom and Marsha
Friday, July 25
Wednesday, July 23
WW Post 4 - Failed this week
New Weight 288.4 That is a 4.4 lb gain after last weeks 4.8 loss. So I still have a .4 loss but all the other loss is gone.
This week was a failure. And I am frustrated, and weak. I stress ate this past week. On Saturday we had several kids (7) here to go to NRH20 with us. Of course we ate kid fare. (Pizza, PBJ, Chips etc) So I gained this week. Tuesday Night I was frustrated and ready to quit. I walked out of WW with the idea maybe I shouldn't go back. I went back to work and finished the day eating 32.5 points. I am allowed 38 points. So on tuesday I did ok.
Here is an email my wife sent me.... Just to show you how wonderful she is........
Hi sweetheart! I pray you have a successful day in every way! Remember that what the scale says is not who you are. It is simply a measure and a tool to help you overcome a lifetime habit that has brought you pain. So instead of looking at it as a torture device, look at it as a tool, just like a measuring cup when you cook. If you use it right, your recipe will be yummy. If you put too much in, it will not be just perfect. If you put not enough in, it will not be perfect. Each week, you put just enough nourishment in to take care of the body God has given you and you use the scale as a measuring cup. It is a tool. I believe in you. YOU can do this. Do not quit. Do not give up. Do not secret eat. Nothing you do is in secret anyways. It all comes out in that measuring cup, right? And God always knows! And you know what, He still loves you and He's still going to walk with you through this trial. So get up, brush yourself off, and remember His new mercies for today! Don't forget to blog the successes and the failures.
I love you,
See, I am truly blessed.
Thanks for reading, and Thank you for praying for me.
Thursday, July 17
WW Post 3
Well I weighed in on Tuesday morning. I was nervous. I didn’t feel like I had accomplished much. I got there, weighed in, and was surprised at the results. I walked around to the class room area, and that’s when I knew it was real. I was told on weigh in that I had lost another 4.8 pounds. I am now down to 284 and that means I met my first goal. The ladies expressed profound excitement about the change they could see in one week. All of them were talking about seeing a “dramatic” change. I walked out of there excited and ready to face another challenging week.
This past week is the first time that I have ever made it truly a point to eat Fruits and vegetables. On all but two days I managed to eat my “5 servings” or more of vegetables. I stayed under my points and I even walked some when I got the chance. But the biggest thing I discovered was…..
When I go to weigh in don’t take off shoes, I don’t empty pockets. In fact I wear things and carry things that I would if I was at work on an ambulance, or on the helicopter. I have put WW as my measuring stick so I can be fit enough to fly. So when I weigh in I am “flight weight”. Well I was measuring my point’s value off my flight weight. So last week when I got home, a little frustrated, I stripped down to my running shorts and stepped on the scale. It was enough of a change to lower my points. So this week I went with the lesser amount of points. No I am not revealing that weight, however, the difference was enough to make a great change for the week. So now I measure points based on the home scale, and my success on the Weight Watchers scale.
So here I go to lose some more. Some day you will see less of me.
The ever shrinking man
PS. I poked a new hole in my belt this week. Marsha says its time to get a new one... I think I will hold on to this one for awhile. ;-)
Tuesday, July 8
WW Post number 2
Well I went and weighed in this morning. My weight was 288.8 lbs, for a loss of 2.4 lbs. So that is good for one week. I am a little frustrated, because I want it off now. The most difficult thing about moving down this path is how slow it is going. I have to remind myself it took me this long to get this big so I know it will take awhile to get small again. I have a photo that is a very motivating photo. It is me with my sister LeeAnne at our birthday several years ago that I look “skinny” and healthy. This photo is hanging in my bathroom to encourage me to stay the course. But I have stayed the course for 16 weeks. For that Weight Watchers has given me a charm for my key chain.
I have placed this charm on my keys and it is a constant reminder to continually be diligent about my choices; and it reminds me of where I have been and where I am going.
More next week.
Love Yall.
Wednesday, July 2
Jeremiah Sings a New Song
Jeremiah singing - "It is Well"
Jeremiah Singing
Weight Watchers Post 1
Well 15 weeks ago I started weight watchers again. Last time I lost a few pounds but didn't stay the course. Now I HAVE to stay the course. My goal is 190 pounds. I will tell you I weigh in at 291.2 pounds. When I started 15 weeks ago I was 291.2 pounds. Here it is and I haven't changed. Am I frustrated? You betcha!! Am I truly following the plan? Nope. So after much thought last night. I decided I would share my struggle and allow you to see obesity through my eyes.
A little history.. The first time I started Weight Watchers I was at 305 lbs. in January of 2007. By June 2007 I was 289 lbs. Then I just went off the plan. No rhyme or reason. Just up and quit. I wanted to be thin, but not willing to really work on it. Ever take the time to write every thing that crosses the lips? Its a lot of work for a fat person on a normal day....
Here is an example of a meal (not ww friendly I might add)
2 eggs scrambled with onion, Ham, Green Peppers and Home Fries - Covered in Gravy with Sour Dough Toast and 3 sausage patties. Chased down with 2 cups coffee, and 2 glasses of water. When calculated through weight watchers it is 48.5 points. (I get 40 points a day for comparison)
Now imagine with me. Eating those kind of meals three and four sometimes five times a day. Now picture the struggle of cutting down to one of those meals divided up to 3 or 4 times a day instead. Breaking this eating habit isn't easy. Places I avoid are all you can eats (my favorites) and places that serve enough food for two at one serving. As for eating at home, Marsha is helping me learn how a normal size serving should look. She encourages and is very wise in how she loves me through this. I know that if it wasn't for her encouragement I wouldn't be doing this.
I have found a Weight Watchers group that I have joined on Tuesdays at 0930. Interestingly not only am I the only man in the group I am also the youngest. I feel like I am sitting around with my mother and all her friends when we meet. They have just accepted me "as is" with encouragement, laughing at my stupid sayings and celebrating my accomplishments, this group just enjoys talking. So much so, the leader often has to reign in the class. I have made this WW meeting my priority by informing my boss that Tuesdays are ok to work, so long as I get out to my WW meeting. Believe it or not my boss has given me permission to leave work for the meetings and is very encouraging for it.
So what can you do to help...
1. Pray for me..... The bible tells me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Phil. 4:13.
2. Encourage me - Comment here or email me or just whatever....
3. Don't be afraid to ask me... How are you doing? My favorite question.... "Want a piece of fruit with that?" I hear this alot at work...
4. If you see something good. Please take the time to tell me. I like positive reinforcement.
5. Did I say - Pray for me? Please do...
As an example: Yesterday I was "off kilter" all day. Just not acting or feeling myself. So my beautiful and wonderful wife came home from the store and she and my daughter came in to our bedroom and gave me vase of some beautiful man flowers. It was an awesome way to cheer me up. Thanks Marsha
More than anything I want to succeed. So I will put it out in the light so that others may see what I am doing and we will see the changes.
Love Y'all
Sites worth Visiting
The Good Dinosaur (2015)9 years ago
Pieces10 years ago
Birth Version of Footprints In The Sand11 years ago
July 2013 Open days11 years ago
On Being Scared15 years ago