For those of you who don't believe its out there.... Here is the "Triple Bypass on a bun." Its 2 lbs of beef. With bacon and cheese. Looks delicious. There is only one place to get it... "Heart Attack Grill."

Isn't it wonderful that we are all different? What a bland world it would be if everyone looked the same, dressed the same, talked with the same intonation, etc. ad nauseum! When I think of the distinctness of each individual person, of you and me, I think of the wisdom of God. What a great and wonderful melting pot of flavor and excitement is His kingdom! What an adventure to explore!
Palin has described the Republican party platform as "the right agenda for America," adding "individual freedom and independence is extremely important to me and that's why I'm a Republican."
Palin has called herself as "pro-life as any candidate can be."[46] She would permit abortion only in cases where the mother's life is in danger,[102] and supports mandatory parental consent for abortions.[103] Palin is a member of Feminists for Life.[104] Palin has been described as supportive of contraception.[46] She backs abstinence-only education and is against "explicit sex-ed programs" in schools.[105][106][107]
Palin supports capital punishment.[108]
Palin opposes same-sex marriage[46] and supported a non-binding referendum for a constitutional amendment to deny state health benefits to same-sex couples.[109]
Palin has said she supports teaching both creationism and evolution in public schools, but not to the extent of adding creation-based alternatives to the required curriculum.[110]
Palin has strongly promoted oil and natural gas resource development in Alaska, including in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).[49] She has opposed federal listing of the polar bear as an endangered species warning that it would adversely affect energy development in Alaska. [68] Palin does not believe that global warming is human-caused.[52]
Palin, a long-time member of the National Rifle Association, strongly supports its interpretation of the Second Amendment as protecting individual rights to bear arms, including handguns. She also supports gun safety education for youth.[111]
There is a movement bubbling up that goes beyond cynicism and celebrates a new way of living, a generation that stops complaining about the church it sees and becomes the church it dreams of. And this little revolution is irresistable. It is a contagious revolution that dances, laughs, and loves. The Irresistable Revolution, living as an ordinary radical by Shane Claiborne, pg 24