Monday, September 29

Laughter the Best Medicine

Those of us in Medicine will truly enjoy this little bit of laughter...

For those of you who don't believe its out there.... Here is the "Triple Bypass on a bun." Its 2 lbs of beef. With bacon and cheese. Looks delicious. There is only one place to get it... "Heart Attack Grill."

Thursday, September 18

A New Perspective

As most of you know, I have been a nurse for almost 11 years. This was my first surgery since becoming a nurse. I have spent untold hours on the phone counseling patients through a plethora of post-surgical symptomology, most of which is more uncomfortable than life-threatening. I have spent countless hours walking the hospital floors caring for the woman who just had major abdominal surgery; helping her turn in bed, washing her face, and what I deem most important after my experience....getting her pain medicine in a quick and efficient manner!

If you have ever been my patient, there are certain lectures that you have heard from high atop the soap box of RN Kingdom. There are many titles to my lectures and several of my patients heard them all in one phone call. They were the "lucky ones". Here are some mini-sermons, just to name a few: 1.You've just had surgery; give yourself time to heal. 2. Advance your activity slowly. This does not include laundry, bending, stooping, lifting. Take a break! 3. You must take stool softeners and maybe laxatives while on pain medicine. Gas pain is no fun! 4. Don't push yourself so hard; this will not last forever. 5.Hydrocodone and Motrin together work similar to Demerol. Alternate for best pain relief. 6. Let your friends and family serve you during this time. It gives them a chance to show you how much they love you.

I love being a nurse. I love helping people. I love serving people. I love being the hands and feet of Jesus. I love seeing hope in a brokenhearted woman's eyes. I love offering that hope in both practical and spiritual ways. All seriousness aside, I love to be the nurse but I HATE to be the patient!!! I don't make a good patient. Tom has flunked me. Ann has flunked me. My mom has flunked me. My doctor is about to flunk me. I think I may flunk myself. I'm one of those patients that makes a nurse pull her hair out and wonder why she became a nurse in the first place! I have discovered this about myself. This dichotomy. Quite interesting.

So, 3 1/2 weeks post op, I am back to the couch and chair. I am religiously taking stool softeners because I can testify on a stack of Hershey candy bars: Gas pain ain't no fun! Laundry is better stacked in the basket if it means I will heal faster. Hydrocodone plus motrin does NOT equal demerol; however, they do work well together. I have the most amazing husband in the world, the greatest family and friends that a woman could ever dream of, and the most wonderful support system of anyone I've ever known. I am truly blessed among women.

This will not last forever. My body will heal. God uses the oddest things to bring us to places of stillness so that we can remember HE ALONE is GOD. To remind us that to SEEK HIM is our primary objective in life. To instill again that purpose in life is CHRIST, going where He says GO, doing what he says DO. To remember again the GOSPEL in SIMPLICITY and POWER. JESUS CHRIST, lover of my soul, healer of my heart.


Marsha has created a Face book page. Be watching here for a link in the next couple of days.

love ya

Thursday, September 4

Palin Packs a Punch


Did you hear Sarah Palin last night? Can you say "great job?" Can you believe that she delivered such an awesome speech? I was truly impressed. She was poised, and powerful. Not what I was expecting.

Did you hear this "I love those hockey mom's . You know they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Lipstick."

Senator McCain was a smart man to pick her for a running mate. I would even to go so far to say she would make a great president. She has made good decisions in Alaska for her people. She has leadership abilities. Lets look at her record.

1. For Governor she beet the incumbent in the primaries. That is seldom ever done. Then she proceeded to defeat a former Governor in the actual election. WOW. That says something for the way she campaigns, and the ideas and willingness to listen to those around her.

2. Cut property taxes by 40%, and still improved infrastructure.

3. Reduced her own salary along with cuts in spending in her city.

4. Has actually held to her ethics in politics...
As evidenced by her appointment and subsequent resigning from the Alaska Oil and gas Conservations commission for "lack of ethics".

Here are her Political Positions: (from wikipedia)

Palin has described the Republican party platform as "the right agenda for America," adding "individual freedom and independence is extremely important to me and that's why I'm a Republican."

Palin has called herself as "pro-life as any candidate can be."[46] She would permit abortion only in cases where the mother's life is in danger,[102] and supports mandatory parental consent for abortions.[103] Palin is a member of Feminists for Life.[104] Palin has been described as supportive of contraception.[46] She backs abstinence-only education and is against "explicit sex-ed programs" in schools.[105][106][107]

Palin supports capital punishment.[108]

Palin opposes same-sex marriage[46] and supported a non-binding referendum for a constitutional amendment to deny state health benefits to same-sex couples.[109]

Palin has said she supports teaching both creationism and evolution in public schools, but not to the extent of adding creation-based alternatives to the required curriculum.[110]

Palin has strongly promoted oil and natural gas resource development in Alaska, including in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).[49] She has opposed federal listing of the polar bear as an endangered species warning that it would adversely affect energy development in Alaska. [68] Palin does not believe that global warming is human-caused.[52]

Palin, a long-time member of the National Rifle Association, strongly supports its interpretation of the Second Amendment as protecting individual rights to bear arms, including handguns. She also supports gun safety education for youth.[111]

So Sarah Palin - You have my vote


Wednesday, September 3

WW Post 9

Well I went to Weight watchers yesterday. I used my no weigh in pass. It was my first time back since I missed last week due to Marsha being in the hospital. I will admit.. I did eat things I shouldn't. But I am back on the wagon and going strong.

I missed my friend Imogene getting her lifetime achievement award. But I got to hear all about it. She described it as something she hoped to achieve for over 30 years. She said it took her forever to get the sparkles out of her hair.

It was good to see my ww friends. I missed them last week. We had some extras from Monday meetings that were there making it a very large meeting.

Anyway. That is all for now.

luv Ya