Tuesday, December 9
The reason for the season
Many people, including our family, ask us why we do this? Let me share. There is the selfish reason of wanting to spend time with them. Of wanting them to remember us when they are grown. Of wanting them to have a family tradition that they will pass down to their children. But it's bigger than that.
As we were driving to the mall, one of my nephews looked up at me and said, " Aunt Marsha, what's that scripture that goes, 'For God so...loved the world...that He...gave....' ", and I helped him finish John 3:16. I asked him what he thought that verse meant and he told me that it meant people who love Jesus get to go to heaven and people who don't go to the bad place. I smiled and would normally have left it at that with a younger child, but I felt the tug of the Holy Spirit on my heart to go a little further.
" This is true," I said. "But it means so much more. Look at all these cars driving around us." We were on I20 at the time.
"God loves all these people in all these cars. And it's not just one person in each car. There are 6 of us in this car and 5 in Meagan's car. So just imagine how many people there are in all these cars! Then think about how many people there are in all the world! That's alot! God loves them all! The good people and the bad people." I had his attention. God had my attention. I continued on.
"In fact, God loved them so much, that he couldn't just let them live in their sin and go to the bad place. You know, God is a just God and he requires perfection. Do you know what that means?" He nodded his head. "So, you remember the flood when all the wicked people were washed away and only Noah was saved? God sent a rainbow saying he would never do that again. So how is he going to deal with evil and wickedness?" Again, that questioning look. He wanted the answer.
"God sent his Son, who was perfect. That Son was Jesus. And Jesus took all that evil and sin for us. And because He did that, we can be with God forever. So, the last part of that verse you memorized is really cool because I want to be with God forever and be in heaven forever! But sometimes we forget the first part of the verse....For God so loved the world.....That's where it starts. For God so loved you, " and I said his name. " And if you were the only person who ever lived, he would have done it all, just for you, so you could be with him, forever!
I was choking back tears. Tom was choking back tears. The kids in the back seat were giving each other wet-willies and had no idea of the mystery of the majesty of the Kingdom of God going on in the front seat of the truck . My nephew is a contemplator. God has his hand on him in a mighty way and I am so excited to see what is in store for him in the future!
My pastor preached a similar message on Sunday. As I pondered once again John 3:16, I realized that I am in a different place in my walk with Christ than I was many years ago. As a younger Christian, I shared the gospel in such a way that I just wanted people to get their "ticket to heaven". I wasn't worried about much more. As God has worked his love and truth in my heart and continued to mold me more and more into his image, I am coming to realize it is all about His love.
For God so LOVED the world........that is truly the REASON for this season.......for EVERY season........and for our lives!
Wednesday, November 5
Historical Day Ramblings
Romans 13:1-3 “Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it's God's order. So live responsibly as a citizen. If you're irresponsible to the state, then you're irresponsible with God, and God will hold you responsible. Duly constituted authorities are only a threat if you're trying to get by with something. Decent citizens should have nothing to fear.”
No matter how I voted, no matter what I believe, I will serve the people of my country. I love my brothers and sisters of the UNITED States. I will follow the leadership that God has allowed to go forward in this country. I promise to pray for my president elect, and his staff. I will pray that he will be the Christian that he claims to be. As for me the little guy, the one who struggles day to day to run after Christ, I will continue down the path that God has called me too. I will adapt and overcome any and all obstacles that are placed in the way. I know who I believe, and I believe in Jesus my Christ, the one I call my savior.
Now is the time. I call my brother and sisters in Christ, fall on your knees. Lift Mr. Obama to our God. Pray for his wisdom, his knowledge, and his leadership. Pray that he will surround himself with men and women who will advise him in the ways of our God. That they will step up and protect our country, our freedoms, and the values that our country was founded upon.
It is time to set aside our vote; and time work together in love and single mindedness to go forth in the plan that God has called us too. We are to glorify our God, seek his greatness and love our brother. We are to make disciples and live in community with each other.
Do I know my neighbors? Have I sat in the front yard and just visited with those that walk by? Am I praying for those that are lost in my community? I love the American people, and I believe God has called me to be a missionary right here in my city, my neighborhood on my street. I must reach, I must cry out on their behalf.
These are the ramblings of Tom on a historical day.
Monday, November 3
Opening Weekend Hunting Season
We started out by sleeping in Saturday morning. Once we were up and moving we headed out. First we stopped at Wal-mart. Needed a hunting license, shells and some grub. Then headed on out. Stopped at Whataburger for an excellent Jalapeno burger. I raved about it all weekend! With the races in Fort worth we didn't get to the farm till around 2pm. Unfortunately big Bill had all ready headed out. (To Waco to see another one of his daughters. She's buying a house. Yippee) When we got there, nobody was at camp. They showed up a little later after an unsuccessful hog hunt. Glenda, Steve, Tony and of course our wonderful host Billy were all smiles and having a grand time.
We got caught up on the stories, and happenings. Had some wonderful taco soup (Thanks Bill). We then set up our camper, and unloaded stuff.

So after playing on the new toy, and some relaxation. We headed out to the deer stand. Marsha was wonderful with sitting up

Once back at the camp we enjoyed stories of deer seen, and heard, but not shot. Still waiting on that perfect great big buck. Tony shot two beautiful big does. By time we were back they had all ready field dressed them. The beer came out, the laughing began and we started cooking dinner. I had brought steaks and chicken. And Tony brought so much food, that I didn't get to cook my steaks. But he had some venison burgers, and hot links that were out of this world. Tony introduced us to some seasoning for wild game on our chicken that Marsha just went crazy over. After clean up it was POKER time. I was lucky. Only kind of poker I have ever played was black jack. So this "Texas Hold 'em" was new to me. I won the pot the first time. The second time around, Tony and I were out early with Marsha then Glenda following close behind. Steve and Billy finished off, and I don't remember who won. Oh well, it wasn't me.
Next morning

I am back at work. I am rejuvenated, and excited about the upcoming weeks. We had a great time.
Love Ya Guys.
Monday, October 20
My thoughts today
"Real wisdom, God's wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor. "
1. begins with Holiness
2. Characterizations:
a. Grace "getting along"
b. Mercy "Gentle & Reasonable"
c. Consistent "Not hot one day and cold the next, not two faced"
d. Dedicated "Develop... community"
e. Righteous "Dignity and Honor
I think I could preach a sermon out of this one statement!!!
I just thought this was interesting in my reading today, and really wanted to share.
Wednesday, October 15
Satan & Lord Dividing the Souls

On the outskirts of town, there was a big old pecan tree by the
cemetery fence. One day two boys filled up a bucket with pecans and
sat down by the tree, out of sight, and began dividing the nuts.
"One for you, and one for me. One for you, one for me," said one boy.
Several were dropped and rolled down toward the fence.
Another boy came riding along the road on his bicycle. As he passed,
he thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. He slowed down to
Sure enough, he heard, "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for
He just knew what it was. "Oh my," he shuddered, "It's Satan and the
Lord dividing the souls at the cemetery."
He jumped back on his bike and rode off. Just around the bend he met
an old man with a cane, hobbling along.
"Come here quick," said the boy, "You won't believe what I just heard.
Satan and the Lord are down at the cemetery dividing up souls."
The man said. "Beat it, kid, can't you see it's hard for me to walk?"
When the boy insisted, the man hobbled to the cemetery. Standing by
the fence they hear, "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me”
The old man whispered, "Boy, you, you've been tellin' the truth! Let's
see the devil himself."
Shaking with fear, they peered through the fence, yet were still
unable to see anything. The old man and the boy gripped the wrought
iron bars of the fence tighter and tighter as they tried to get a
glimpse of Satan.
At last they heard, "One for you, one for me. And one last one for
you. That's all. Now let's go get those nuts by the fence, and we'll
be done."
They say the old guy made it back to town 5 minutes before the boy.
Sunday, October 5
Go I-N-D-I-A-N-S!

Monday, September 29
Laughter the Best Medicine
Thursday, September 18
A New Perspective
If you have ever been my patient, there are certain lectures that you have heard from high atop the soap box of RN Kingdom. There are many titles to my lectures and several of my patients heard them all in one phone call. They were the "lucky ones". Here are some mini-sermons, just to name a few: 1.You've just had surgery; give yourself time to heal. 2. Advance your activity slowly. This does not include laundry, bending, stooping, lifting. Take a break! 3. You must take stool softeners and maybe laxatives while on pain medicine. Gas pain is no fun! 4. Don't push yourself so hard; this will not last forever. 5.Hydrocodone and Motrin together work similar to Demerol. Alternate for best pain relief. 6. Let your friends and family serve you during this time. It gives them a chance to show you how much they love you.
I love being a nurse. I love helping people. I love serving people. I love being the hands and feet of Jesus. I love seeing hope in a brokenhearted woman's eyes. I love offering that hope in both practical and spiritual ways. All seriousness aside, I love to be the nurse but I HATE to be the patient!!! I don't make a good patient. Tom has flunked me. Ann has flunked me. My mom has flunked me. My doctor is about to flunk me. I think I may flunk myself. I'm one of those patients that makes a nurse pull her hair out and wonder why she became a nurse in the first place! I have discovered this about myself. This dichotomy. Quite interesting.
So, 3 1/2 weeks post op, I am back to the couch and chair. I am religiously taking stool softeners because I can testify on a stack of Hershey candy bars: Gas pain ain't no fun! Laundry is better stacked in the basket if it means I will heal faster. Hydrocodone plus motrin does NOT equal demerol; however, they do work well together. I have the most amazing husband in the world, the greatest family and friends that a woman could ever dream of, and the most wonderful support system of anyone I've ever known. I am truly blessed among women.
This will not last forever. My body will heal. God uses the oddest things to bring us to places of stillness so that we can remember HE ALONE is GOD. To remind us that to SEEK HIM is our primary objective in life. To instill again that purpose in life is CHRIST, going where He says GO, doing what he says DO. To remember again the GOSPEL in SIMPLICITY and POWER. JESUS CHRIST, lover of my soul, healer of my heart.
love ya
Thursday, September 4
Palin Packs a Punch
Did you hear this "I love those hockey mom's . You know they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Lipstick."
Senator McCain was a smart man to pick her for a running mate. I would even to go so far to say she would make a great president. She has made good decisions in Alaska for her people. She has leadership abilities. Lets look at her record.
1. For Governor she beet the incumbent in the primaries. That is seldom ever done. Then she proceeded to defeat a former Governor in the actual election. WOW. That says something for the way she campaigns, and the ideas and willingness to listen to those around her.
2. Cut property taxes by 40%, and still improved infrastructure.
3. Reduced her own salary along with cuts in spending in her city.
4. Has actually held to her ethics in politics...
As evidenced by her appointment and subsequent resigning from the Alaska Oil and gas Conservations commission for "lack of ethics".
Here are her Political Positions: (from wikipedia)
Palin has described the Republican party platform as "the right agenda for America," adding "individual freedom and independence is extremely important to me and that's why I'm a Republican."
Palin has called herself as "pro-life as any candidate can be."[46] She would permit abortion only in cases where the mother's life is in danger,[102] and supports mandatory parental consent for abortions.[103] Palin is a member of Feminists for Life.[104] Palin has been described as supportive of contraception.[46] She backs abstinence-only education and is against "explicit sex-ed programs" in schools.[105][106][107]
Palin supports capital punishment.[108]
Palin opposes same-sex marriage[46] and supported a non-binding referendum for a constitutional amendment to deny state health benefits to same-sex couples.[109]
Palin has said she supports teaching both creationism and evolution in public schools, but not to the extent of adding creation-based alternatives to the required curriculum.[110]
Palin has strongly promoted oil and natural gas resource development in Alaska, including in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).[49] She has opposed federal listing of the polar bear as an endangered species warning that it would adversely affect energy development in Alaska. [68] Palin does not believe that global warming is human-caused.[52]
Palin, a long-time member of the National Rifle Association, strongly supports its interpretation of the Second Amendment as protecting individual rights to bear arms, including handguns. She also supports gun safety education for youth.[111]
So Sarah Palin - You have my vote
Wednesday, September 3
WW Post 9
I missed my friend Imogene getting her lifetime achievement award. But I got to hear all about it. She described it as something she hoped to achieve for over 30 years. She said it took her forever to get the sparkles out of her hair.
It was good to see my ww friends. I missed them last week. We had some extras from Monday meetings that were there making it a very large meeting.
Anyway. That is all for now.
luv Ya
Saturday, August 30
God Delivers
The house is ready. When I got home last night, I moved some furniture around so that she can watch TV from a comfy chair. I finished up some laundry and cleaned up some areas of the house that needed touch ups. But I digress....
So lets recap the last 9 days....
Thursday a week ago Marsha and I went to visit Dr. Rutledge. Her abdominal pains were pretty bad. - http://tommarshaleneveu.blogspot.com/2008/08/hey-gang-as-many-of-you-know-marsha-has.html
Well surgery happened on Monday. But it didn't go as planned. The "rare hernia" wasn't found. He inspected the entire intestinal tract. No hernias found anywhere. Then he turned his attention to the pancreas. Again, a clean bill of health. So then he looked at the appendix. Here he found some scar tissue showing previous inflammation. So he took out the appendix. That left only the Gall Bladder. He looked at it closely. It looked normal, but there were no other sources for her problems. So he took out the Gall bladder and sent it off to pathology.
Now the wait was on. As Marsha was recovering from surgery. (Check our past blogs) we were waiting on the pathology report to come in. Wait and Wait and Wait. We prayed many times over her and that there would be an answer to the pathology report.
Thursday came around and Dr. Rutledge came to visit. Guess what.... The Pathology report came back with chronic inflammation of the Gall Bladder. Dr. Rutledge thinks this is where all the problems have been originating. So now we just have to get healed enough from surgery to go home.
Fast forward to Saturday - Today... One of Dr. Rutledge's partners came in to visit. He told us that after she eats a good soft diet lunch and has no problems she can go home.... So I am off to Chicken Express to get her some Mashed potatoes and Iced Tea.
Thank you for all your prayers, phone calls, and visits. We love you all!!!
God's Provision Continues
All the tubes and wires were removed yesterday, and she is beginning to feel normal. Its exciting to see her walk down the hall and enjoy it. She is still slow to move due to the surgical incision, but moving none the less. Dr. Rutledge said passing some gas is the last major hurdle. We are expecting to go home sometime tomorrow (Saturday). We are ready and I know our puppies are ready for us to be home.
Thank you to all who have been praying, and calling and visiting. We love you!!
PS. I was supposed to put this up yesterday. I am a day late. Please forgive me.
Waiting to go Home
Luv ya
Wednesday, August 27
God is Good!!
First around 7 am Dr. Rutledge came in and visited with us. He looked at her tummy and said we are doing well. He wanted us to get up three times today. After he left we slept a little more. The RN (Laura - One of the best nurses) came in to assess My Marsha and help us get started. The first time we took a walk we went out the room and about four room down and were done. Came back. Took some pain medicine and slept. The second time Marsha walked with Annie. They walked all the way to the nurses station and back. Then tonight we walked down and around the block (Nurses station) and back. When we got back in the room she stopped at the sink and stood while she brushed her teeth. Then went and climbed back into bed. She did get a little dizzy, otherwise she did awesome!!.
Annie came today. Also Jeremiah, and I heard that IG Meghan also came. I was at home for a little while. Tried to sleep between 13 phone calls, and 10 text messages, and people knocking at the door. So the four hours I thought I would get a nap in didn't exist. That's ok. I got many things done that needed to be done.
So .. Thanks for your prayers. Thanks for those who have come by and visit. We will be here till Friday or Saturday. As we find out, we will pass it along to all of you.
Luv Ya
Trusting God
As I prayed over my wife these words come back from my child hood. 5&6 were a memory verse we learned several years in a row in VBS. Now these recitations bring comfort, and peace. As a medical professional for several years, I know what is happening with my wife. I have my own understanding of all that is going on. Yet I believe God is calling me to not lean on my limited understandings of the human body. Nor my limited understanding on how medicine works. But he is calling me to lean on Him. To acknowledge his Grace, Mercy, Holiness and righteousness. As I watch my wife sleep I realize how much I need my Lord tonight, today and in my tomorrows. She wakes from sleep asks for ice, or swabs for her mouth. I seek to serve. Yet I seek my Christ and our Lord on an even deeper level. I am learning. I do not have the answer, But my Lord Jesus Christ knows all. He was there when she was formed.
As I ponder this Knowing Marsha when she was formed. I remember something my Pappo taught me. We were working in his garage with wood. As he was building he and I were talking about many things. As we finished I though he had forgotten to do something early on. Pappo smiled, told me he was the builder and knew every little nail, cut and glue of this beautiful piece of wood. And it was perfect with out my addition. If anything were to go wrong with his wood work, he knew how to repair it. For he was the builder. Our Lord Jesus is the builder, knows all there is to know about us.
So pray for me today. That I will totally lean on my Lord Jesus Christ through this and not on my limited knowledge of medicine.
I love yall
Tuesday, August 26
Day after Surgery
1 God is our refuge and strength,a very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam,though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah
4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,the holy habitation of the Most High.
5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;God will help her when morning dawns.
6 The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;he utters his voice, the earth melts.
7 The Lord of hosts is with us;the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah
8 Come, behold the works of the Lord,how he has brought desolations on the earth.
9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;he breaks the bow and shatters the spear;he burns the chariots with fire.
10 “Be still, and know that I am God.I will be exalted among the nations,I will be exalted in the earth.
11 The Lord of hosts is with us;the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah
This brings us comfort as we heal from surgery.
Marsha got her PCA pump last night, and that has helped much. Dr. Rutledge came in and visited before 8. He was pleasant and answered all our questions. He told us that Marsha's tube should be able to come out tomorrow if all goes well and we will get to go home on Friday or Saturday. The Nurse this morning was really nice and helping us alot with keeping on top of things.
Please pray for continued healing, and wisdom for the nurses and doctors that look after My Marsha. Also pray for endurance for the family and friends that keep her company.
Luv Yall
Monday, August 25
Surgery is Over
More information to follow as given to us.
Thanks for praying.....
Marsha's in Surgery
Sunday, August 24
Its been a truly amazing night. We got home from church around 1400 hrs. I began cleaning house, and Marsha would get up to help for a few minutes, but would have to lay down. The task before me was immense. I told Marsha, this house would be clean before I went to bed. I worked, and worked, and worked. But I was struggling to get it all done.
About 1800 hrs., my friend Megan from Intentional Gatherings (IG) called. She asks, can we come over and have IG at our house. I explained that I would love for her to come and have it, but the house was a disaster, and I was working and stressing about getting it done before surgery tomorrow.
Around 1930, IG showed up, picked up Marsha's to do list and went to work. They cleaned this house above and beyond what I could have done alone. They were doing dishes, vacuuming, even Iona was cleaning the walls. My heart was truly blessed tonight through IG.
After they cleaned up the house, we moved into the Den, and IG prayed over my beautiful wife & I. After praying we moved to the living room, and Jeremiah lead worship on our piano. My heart has settled and I feel at peace.
Thank you IG. You have blessed me in ways I never expected you too.
Love you Guys. Praise God!!!!
Saturday, August 23
Marsha Surgery
As many of you know, Marsha has been very sick over the past 4 months. She's had trouble eating, pain after she eats, and abdominal pain that goes into her back and ribs. Marsha has lost over 30 pounds during this time. After many tests and trials (medications, etc.), we have finally received a diagnosis.
It was discovered that a rare condition named "paraduodenal hernia". He said that all of Marsha's symptoms match the diagnosis including the fact that she knew the exact date her symptoms started. This will be major abdominal surgery to repair it.
Surgery is scheduled for Monday, August 25 at 2:15pm at Harris Methodist Fort Worth. Surgery time is estimated at 2-3 hours (not firm). She will probably not be in a hospital room until after 7pm. She will be in the hospital for approximately 2-3 days. She will be off work for 6 weeks.
For those who wish to join us, please come after 1pm. Let us get checked in and situated with all that is going on.
Directions: Come into downtown Fort Worth. Take I30 West and exit Henderson drive. (First Exit west of I35W) Turn Left on Henderson. Follow Henderson to the parking garage on your right. (Helicopter is on top of this garage. Park here and come into the hospital on the Ground Floor. Text me on my cell phone. I will tell you where we are. Or you can stop at the information booth and they can give you directions.
Wednesday, August 20
WW Post 8
The exciting news is that Imogene (remember previously mentioned) is going to get her big "Lifetime Award." It should be an exciting meeting next week. All the ladies are truly excited. So should be a fun meeting.
Talk to you next week.
Wednesday, August 13
WW Post 7

Well here is my steady decline in chart form. My 10% goal is 275lbs, and I am getting closer. For my 10% Goal I am going to take a day trip to Fort Parker in North Texas to tour one of the only Pre-Civil War Forts left in Texas. I am excited and motivated. So, after I go, I will post some photos of my day trip.
Thanks for following my waisting away blog...
Love ya guys.
Wednesday, August 6
Ian Surratt Memorial Fishing Event
July 29th (Thursday) I was allowed the privilege to go and assist with the Ian Surratt Memorial Fishing Event sponsored by C.A.S.T. for kids. This "Fishing Event" is for cancer kids from Cook Children's medical Center. Below are the links that will tell you a more about the event, and even a link to tell you who Ian Surratt was in life. Please take a few minutes to read. I think they are awesome.
We arrived right about 0800 hrs. Parked the ambulance, and just watched. What unfolded was truly amazing. I enjoyed watching these kids get a brand new fishing pole, and a tackle box. They were truly excited about the opportunity to go out and fish. They were then fitted with life jackets, had their photo made with the fishing professional and off they went.
When they started coming back, they were talking up a storm. One child got off the boat with a very large sand bass. He ran around to show every one that would take a look. He was smiling from ear to ear. Another young man came in with two large sand bass as well. But the stories were about how many they caught and released. Some were saying 23 or 24, others 13 or 14. One even said he caught 50. I don't know how many, but I know, to see the smiles, the energy of these children as they returned to have lunch, just brought joy to my heart. One young lady, thin and weak from her treatments, walked off the boat, took 10 steps. She sat in the grass, exhausted but smiling from ear to ear. Her dad helped her walk to the pic nic tables where she laid her head on her towel and fell asleep. I watched as her dad picked her up with a smile on his face and some tears in his eyes and carried her back to the car. I could see on his face the joy that was brought to him and his daughter. This was truly an amazing event.
May you have a blessed day.
WW Post 6 - Maintained
Well this week isn't fabulous, isn't bad. Its just there. I worked hard at getting all my veggies in. I even ate spinach salad, and other fresh veggies. Nothing real remarkable about the weight gain/loss this week to write about. Just a report about the weight. Last week I was 283.6. Thiss week I am 284 even. So Gain of .4 pounds is not bad in my book. Just not what I was wanting. So focus, and pushing.
My Goals for this week --
1. Not to use all my "extra points" that I am allowed.
2. Three days of exercise of at least 30 minutes.
So tune in next week for more fun and interesting events.
PS. Mom if you are reading these. The ladies in my weight watcher group act just like you and Doris Ham, and some of the other ladies you would hang out with in Houston. I am the only man, and I am the youngest. Yall be safe out there.
PSS. Breakfast this morning ---
Egg Beater omlette
1/2 cup egg beater - 4 points
1 cup fresh spinach - 0 points
1/2 cup Fresh Diced Tomatos - 0 points
1/2 cup onions - 0 points
1/2 cup jalepenos - 0 points
3 oz lean ham - 3 points
1 slice swiss cheese - 2 points
Total Points - 9 with three servings veggies. Only got 2 more to go for today.
Wednesday, July 30
WW Post 5 - Got it off
My new weight is........
So if you look back to WW 3 you will see that I was 284. But now I am even less. So up and down I go... And the hope is mostly down.
Tune in again next week at the same bat time, same bat channel...
Tuesday, July 29
Neice Nephew Weekend
Saturday morning we we had no trouble waking ANYONE up (except Meagan). I think they were a wee bit excited about heading out to the water park (NRH20). I cooked up a huge hearty breakfast. (It defitnately wasn't Weight Watcher friendly) We had scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, pancakes, orange juice and milk. I even saw one kid putting syrup on her eggs, YUCK!! But it sure made her smile!! (Awesome). We finally woke Meagan up around 0845.
Then we put the kids to work. It's amazing what good workers you have when there is incentive! Chance, Logan, and Shelby packed our chips in to individual bags (yes p's they washed their hands good before working). Makela and Lexi made PBJ Sandwiches and Turkey and Cheese sandwichs. (These were very good sandwiches). We also packed soda, water bottles, and gatorade for drinks. We loaded everything up in the truck and Meagan's car and headed out........
Arrival at NRH20. We got there about 30 minutes before they opened, and there was already a line. Luckily Meagan arrived early enough to get good spot in line. While we waited, Marsha started the sunscreen spray line. Everyone got covered, including Chance, who claimed, "Mexican's don't need sunscreen." There was much protest, but it served the nurse's heart well to know she at least protected them for one hour. They were on their own after that.

They opened the doors at 10am but told us due to "shocking" the water we couldn't swim till 11am. So we sat around just picking our noses.

But finally we got to play. And play we did. Luckily we didn't really get sunburned too bad. The kids were told to re-apply every two hours and the sunscreens were left on the table. I think they did a pretty good job. At lunch time we all had a great sandwich, and talked. Lots of laughter by the kids, then off they went. They were all smiles every time I ran into them. They ran around in groups of two for the most part. At other times they were in groups of three. Marsha and I spent much time in the kiddie area watching/helping the twins go up and down some pretty big slides. They had no fear!! They were all about the play area.

Marsha and the twins came home about mid afternoon for movie time. They both said they weren't tired... But look at this.....

They watched a movie and took a nap. Then Marsha and the twins loaded up, made a stop at the Little Ceaser's and brought us dinner of pizza. You wouldn't believe how much they ate!! After dinner we played till they closed the park. Then we got to watch some really cool fire works. It was awesome.

Sunday morning, we got up and watched a movie, got our stuff ready for the P's and had an easy breakfast of cereal. One hour later everyone was hungry again! How does that happen? Out came fruit, left over pizza, granola bars, chips, etc. They ate most of it. Incredible.

Note from Marsha: Everyone had a good time, we think. I know Tom, Meagan, and me enjoyed all the time we were able to spend with each of you who were here. We love each of you so very much! This is a time we look forward to every year! Can't wait 'til Christmas! Any votes on what to do????
Thanks guys for coming to play at our house.
Tom and Marsha
Friday, July 25
Wednesday, July 23
WW Post 4 - Failed this week
New Weight 288.4 That is a 4.4 lb gain after last weeks 4.8 loss. So I still have a .4 loss but all the other loss is gone.
This week was a failure. And I am frustrated, and weak. I stress ate this past week. On Saturday we had several kids (7) here to go to NRH20 with us. Of course we ate kid fare. (Pizza, PBJ, Chips etc) So I gained this week. Tuesday Night I was frustrated and ready to quit. I walked out of WW with the idea maybe I shouldn't go back. I went back to work and finished the day eating 32.5 points. I am allowed 38 points. So on tuesday I did ok.
Here is an email my wife sent me.... Just to show you how wonderful she is........
Hi sweetheart! I pray you have a successful day in every way! Remember that what the scale says is not who you are. It is simply a measure and a tool to help you overcome a lifetime habit that has brought you pain. So instead of looking at it as a torture device, look at it as a tool, just like a measuring cup when you cook. If you use it right, your recipe will be yummy. If you put too much in, it will not be just perfect. If you put not enough in, it will not be perfect. Each week, you put just enough nourishment in to take care of the body God has given you and you use the scale as a measuring cup. It is a tool. I believe in you. YOU can do this. Do not quit. Do not give up. Do not secret eat. Nothing you do is in secret anyways. It all comes out in that measuring cup, right? And God always knows! And you know what, He still loves you and He's still going to walk with you through this trial. So get up, brush yourself off, and remember His new mercies for today! Don't forget to blog the successes and the failures.
I love you,
See, I am truly blessed.
Thanks for reading, and Thank you for praying for me.
Thursday, July 17
WW Post 3
Well I weighed in on Tuesday morning. I was nervous. I didn’t feel like I had accomplished much. I got there, weighed in, and was surprised at the results. I walked around to the class room area, and that’s when I knew it was real. I was told on weigh in that I had lost another 4.8 pounds. I am now down to 284 and that means I met my first goal. The ladies expressed profound excitement about the change they could see in one week. All of them were talking about seeing a “dramatic” change. I walked out of there excited and ready to face another challenging week.
This past week is the first time that I have ever made it truly a point to eat Fruits and vegetables. On all but two days I managed to eat my “5 servings” or more of vegetables. I stayed under my points and I even walked some when I got the chance. But the biggest thing I discovered was…..
When I go to weigh in don’t take off shoes, I don’t empty pockets. In fact I wear things and carry things that I would if I was at work on an ambulance, or on the helicopter. I have put WW as my measuring stick so I can be fit enough to fly. So when I weigh in I am “flight weight”. Well I was measuring my point’s value off my flight weight. So last week when I got home, a little frustrated, I stripped down to my running shorts and stepped on the scale. It was enough of a change to lower my points. So this week I went with the lesser amount of points. No I am not revealing that weight, however, the difference was enough to make a great change for the week. So now I measure points based on the home scale, and my success on the Weight Watchers scale.
So here I go to lose some more. Some day you will see less of me.
The ever shrinking man
PS. I poked a new hole in my belt this week. Marsha says its time to get a new one... I think I will hold on to this one for awhile. ;-)
Tuesday, July 8
WW Post number 2
Well I went and weighed in this morning. My weight was 288.8 lbs, for a loss of 2.4 lbs. So that is good for one week. I am a little frustrated, because I want it off now. The most difficult thing about moving down this path is how slow it is going. I have to remind myself it took me this long to get this big so I know it will take awhile to get small again. I have a photo that is a very motivating photo. It is me with my sister LeeAnne at our birthday several years ago that I look “skinny” and healthy. This photo is hanging in my bathroom to encourage me to stay the course. But I have stayed the course for 16 weeks. For that Weight Watchers has given me a charm for my key chain.
I have placed this charm on my keys and it is a constant reminder to continually be diligent about my choices; and it reminds me of where I have been and where I am going.
More next week.
Love Yall.
Wednesday, July 2
Jeremiah Sings a New Song
Jeremiah singing - "It is Well"
Jeremiah Singing
Weight Watchers Post 1
Well 15 weeks ago I started weight watchers again. Last time I lost a few pounds but didn't stay the course. Now I HAVE to stay the course. My goal is 190 pounds. I will tell you I weigh in at 291.2 pounds. When I started 15 weeks ago I was 291.2 pounds. Here it is and I haven't changed. Am I frustrated? You betcha!! Am I truly following the plan? Nope. So after much thought last night. I decided I would share my struggle and allow you to see obesity through my eyes.
A little history.. The first time I started Weight Watchers I was at 305 lbs. in January of 2007. By June 2007 I was 289 lbs. Then I just went off the plan. No rhyme or reason. Just up and quit. I wanted to be thin, but not willing to really work on it. Ever take the time to write every thing that crosses the lips? Its a lot of work for a fat person on a normal day....
Here is an example of a meal (not ww friendly I might add)
2 eggs scrambled with onion, Ham, Green Peppers and Home Fries - Covered in Gravy with Sour Dough Toast and 3 sausage patties. Chased down with 2 cups coffee, and 2 glasses of water. When calculated through weight watchers it is 48.5 points. (I get 40 points a day for comparison)
Now imagine with me. Eating those kind of meals three and four sometimes five times a day. Now picture the struggle of cutting down to one of those meals divided up to 3 or 4 times a day instead. Breaking this eating habit isn't easy. Places I avoid are all you can eats (my favorites) and places that serve enough food for two at one serving. As for eating at home, Marsha is helping me learn how a normal size serving should look. She encourages and is very wise in how she loves me through this. I know that if it wasn't for her encouragement I wouldn't be doing this.
I have found a Weight Watchers group that I have joined on Tuesdays at 0930. Interestingly not only am I the only man in the group I am also the youngest. I feel like I am sitting around with my mother and all her friends when we meet. They have just accepted me "as is" with encouragement, laughing at my stupid sayings and celebrating my accomplishments, this group just enjoys talking. So much so, the leader often has to reign in the class. I have made this WW meeting my priority by informing my boss that Tuesdays are ok to work, so long as I get out to my WW meeting. Believe it or not my boss has given me permission to leave work for the meetings and is very encouraging for it.
So what can you do to help...
1. Pray for me..... The bible tells me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Phil. 4:13.
2. Encourage me - Comment here or email me or just whatever....
3. Don't be afraid to ask me... How are you doing? My favorite question.... "Want a piece of fruit with that?" I hear this alot at work...
4. If you see something good. Please take the time to tell me. I like positive reinforcement.
5. Did I say - Pray for me? Please do...
As an example: Yesterday I was "off kilter" all day. Just not acting or feeling myself. So my beautiful and wonderful wife came home from the store and she and my daughter came in to our bedroom and gave me vase of some beautiful man flowers. It was an awesome way to cheer me up. Thanks Marsha
More than anything I want to succeed. So I will put it out in the light so that others may see what I am doing and we will see the changes.
Love Y'all
Monday, June 30
IG Group -- Meghan Graduation party
Then all the gang jumped in the pool. We watched Meghan strut her stuff. Rumor has it she is an Olympian diver. WooHoo, go girl... Do them Flips. Of Course Justin was one of them special Olympic belly flopper's!!! Ouch that looked like that hurt. I was sorry I missed those photos. But here is the gang in the water having a great time.

After such a hard hit in the water, can't believe that's Justins tummy all white.
Of Course got to see the Star attraction ready to do her thing on the diving board.....

And they all were hanging out having a great time.....

Even future mom's took time out of planning to relax and play....

We all love Meghan --

Sunday, June 29
Marsha's 40th Birthday Lunch

Anne on the Left, and Beautiful Marsha on the right.
Well my beautiful wife turned 40 and we had lunch with friends. About two weeks ago, my wife started getting suspicious that I was up to something. So she called me on the carpet. My wonderful wife loves to be in the back ground, and not the center of attention. After much discussion, she settled on having another couple or two over to celebrate her birthday on Saturday evening. So we made plans to keep it very very small. All the while I was working on a relatively small lunch (about 6 families) from church mostly, to join us for a birthday lunch with out alot of hoop la.
Saturday Night came around, and one of the couples that was coming was supposed to call the other one, but forgot. But my good friend Jim, and his daughter Isabella, and her friend came to visit as well. So Saturday night we still filled up the dinner table. Marsha, Tom, Jim, Anne, Meagan, Lauren, Isabella, and friend (Can't remember her name.) We ate Jalapenos wrapped in bacon and stuffed with cream cheese. Venison, Beef, Chicken, and Shrimp fajitas with Re fried Beans and Sweet tea. A good time was had by all, and Marsha thought it was over.
Sunday morning we got up and headed out to church. After church, I informed Marsha we would take her to lunch. She wasn't expecting anything yet. We arrived to her surprise and found a table set for several families. She was a wee bit shocked. It was a good time had by all.

Michael & Melissa Hatcher - Anne Crowell

Luke LeNeveu - Nephew extraordinaire

Donna & Joe

Robin and Janice

Don't let her face fool you. I caught her throwing small wads of paper at me.
Don't worry. We have one more Birthday Celebration to be had for her on July 4Th at the farm, with the Freeman & Nutter families. Should be an exciting day for all.

Thursday, June 26
Meagan is Home!!

Last night was a time to celebrate. Meagan has arrived safely from Tunisia. We watched closely as her plane crossed the sea, and then as it was getting closer we watched it move across the USA on our computer screen. Lauren was so excited she couldn't stand it. Between my excitement and antics and Lauren's laughter the house was in an uproar! Lauren was laughing so hard I thought she was going to pee in her pants, and Tracey was giggling like a school girl. So Marsha, Tracey, Lauren and I loaded up in the truck and headed off to the airport.

On the way to the airport Marsha noted the clouds and commented that it was going to be a good rain storm. We prayed that Meagan would get in safely. Little did we know that Meagan and party had prayed for rain when they got home. Well God sure heard them. Meagan was so excited about rain she even went and played in it. The rain came down hard, with brilliant streaks of lightening. Lauren commented that God was celebrating Meagan's return home with us. We all laughed and so enjoyed each others company.
As we sat and visited over dinner, and were listening to such awesome stories of her month, it became obvious that Meagan had been traveling for over 18 and half hours. She was beginning to fade. So we let her relax, with a promise to share her photos and more stories later.
My heart is overjoyed with her return to our home. Now we have about a month to enjoy her company before she heads back to Baylor. And guess what... God is still answering her prayers, but more on that later.
Love ya'll
Sites worth Visiting
The Good Dinosaur (2015)9 years ago
Pieces10 years ago
Birth Version of Footprints In The Sand11 years ago
July 2013 Open days11 years ago
On Being Scared15 years ago